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Departure dates

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With friends | With groupe

Pickup time

To be fixed at your convenience


Photography | Special Interest | Sightseeing | Birdwatching


Activity level




Places to visit

Marrakech | Oukaïmeden | Dades | Tinghir | Zaida | Merzouga | Ouarzazate | Taroudant | Agadir

Trip Highlights

  • Morocco’s bird list currently stands at 503 species.
  • This tour offers birdwatchers a variation of species to see in different regions.
  • Visit the best places to go birding in Morocco.
  • We will enjoy the beauty and vastness of the Sahara Desert while searching for the key species of this harsh and spectacular environment.
  • Head to the stunning mountains of the High Atlas and watch a range of species from African Crimson-winged Finch, Moussier’s Redstart, Barbary Partridge, and Levaillant’s Woodpecker, and many more.
  • Drop down toward the deserts and expand your knowledge over the desert species like the Larks, Wheatears and Sand Grouse adapted to live in this harsh environment. 
  • Begin the long drive via the Atlantic coast and watch birds for more unusual migrant and resident species.


A wide range exists in easily reached locations in a rich diversity from what can be seen in Europe. More than 503 species have been listed in Morocco, and birders can always find interest for each season. From March to May is the best bird-watching season; a wide range of species – both resident and migrant – pass through Morocco via other destinations, and the weather is usually warm and sunny. Morocco is considered an essential stop for migrants on their way to and from western Europe, and more than 100 species are frequent winter visitors. They are opportunities to see different species like Larks, Raptors, Warblers, Water Birds, and Wheatears, along with a few specific species that are difficult to find elsewhere.



You will be met at Marrakech Menara airport by your experienced guide as he will escort you to your hotel for the night. Depending on your arrival time, you might have the chance to explore the city by night and get ready for your birding starts the next day. Your guide will be waiting for you to discuss more details about the upcoming next days. 


We meet for an early breakfast, where we will drive up toward the high Atlas Mountains and visit Oukaïmeden. If you are lucky, we might enjoy the sound of pallid and little Swifts Chirping overhead while leaning on the corners of the Toubkal National Park. This charming area of the High Atlas Mountains is a famous Ski Resort, but it is also a fantastic stop for migrant birds and the land of huge resident species.

As we proceed on our journey in the region, we will see a large mix of resident varieties such as the Great Grey Shrike, Little Owl, Sardinian Warbler, Spotless Starling, Maghreb Magpie, Moussier’s Redstart, White-Throated Dipper, African Blue Tit, and House Bunting.

As we get to the rocky slopes, we will search for black wheatear and the Levaillant’s Woodpecker. When we arrive at the Oukaïmeden, we will stop for a couple of minutes to watch the beautiful African Crimson-Winged Finch. The species here cover the Rock Sparrow, Alpine Chough, Red-Billed Chough, Northern Wheatear, Water Pipit, and the Atlas Mountain subspecies of Horned Lark. Raptors to keep an eye out for during the day include Golden Eagle and possibly the sumptuous Bearded Vulture too. It is a completely interesting start to our birding tour.


After an early breakfast, we leave the mountains behind with the possibility of stopping on our way for Levaillant’s Woodpecker, as well as African Blue Tit and the unique local varieties of red Crossbill and Common Chaffinch. African Crimson-Winged Finch.

From the flat fields of Marrakech, we continue through the uphills and drive to Boumalne Dades via the leading Tizi-N-Tichka pass. A thrilling drive and enjoyable experience. At the pass, we will try to see Tristram’s Warbler. This variety has particular habitat conditions away from its wintering territories, and it is not an easy bird to find, but we will put in the energy required. As the road ascends into the hills, we may start to see some raptors such as Long-Legged Buzzard and Bonelli’s eagle. Other distinguished species could include Eurasian Hoopoe, Woodchat Shrike, Thekla’s Lark, Laughing Dove, Common Bulbul, Black Wheatear, and Hirundines such us Red-Rumped Swallow, Common House Martin, and Eurasian Crag Martin.

Before joining the road to Dades, we will have a break in Amerzgane to watch the rare Maghreb subspecies of Mourning Wheatear. Other birds we might see here include a range of seasonal passerines such as Woodchat Shrike, Western Subalpine Warbler, Common Whitethroat, Common Redstart, Eurasian Blackcap, Common Nightingale, Western Yellow Wagtail, and probably many more.


Today we will travel to the Tagdilt track. It is one of the top regions for birding in the south of Morocco. The entire region around Boumalne Dades is interesting for birding. We could notice a range of specials of the area and seasonal species traveling north towards Europe when we are here.

While exploring the track, we will keep our eyes peeled for key species like Houbara Bustard, Cream-Colored Courser, Long-Legged Buzzard, Black-Bellied Sandgrouse, Crowned Sandgrouse, White-Crowned Wheatear, Red-Rumped Wheatear, Desert Wheatear, Trumpeter Finch, and a whole range of Larks including Thekla’s Lark, Temminck’s Lark, Greater Short-Toed Lark, Bar-Tailed Lark, and the highly nomadic Thick-billed Lark.

We will also keep a lookout for Europe-Bound wanderers like Eurasian Stone-Curlew, White Stork, Northern Wheatear, Tawny Pipit, Little Ringed Plover, Western Black-Eared wheatear, common cuckoo, and common redstart.

If the weather allows, we will dedicate most of our day to exploring this area. Late in the afternoon, we will visit a rocky canyon searching for mourning wheatear, desert lark, and our first chance of the stunning pharaoh eagle-owl.


We continue our journey bypassing the towering Todra Gorge to the north of Tineghir. It is still another extremely productive birding region with Streaked Scrub Warbler, Tristram’s Warbler, Black Wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush, Eurasian Crag Martin, Wild and Native Rock Dove, and House Bunting, all in swarms. The list of passerines here is vast and includes white-crowned wheatear, black Wheatear, Western Black-eared Wheatear, Spectacled Warbler, Western Bonelli’s Warbler, desert lark, bar-tailed lark, and many more. The gorge is also the best setting for birds with Bonelli’s Eagle, Short-Toed Snake Eagle, Booted eagle, Western Marsh Harrier, Black Kite, Long-Legged Buzzard, and Common Kestrel.

Later, we will explore Zaida to see for Dupont’s Lark. This variety has noticed fast drops across many of its breeding regions.


Start our day by heading to the Zaida Plain to explore the area where Dupont’s Lark has chosen for his stay. The plains are another excellent birding location, with an extensive range of species possible, including Northern Wheatear, Desert Wheatear, Red-Rumped Wheatear, Moussier’s Redstart, Trumpeter Finch, Black-Bellied Sandgrouse, Spectacled Warbler, Thekla’s Lark, Lesser Short-toed Lark, Temminck’s Lark, and Greater Short-Toed Lark.

The plains present a captivating sight of water birds’ life in the deserted area of morocco, a unique event to get your head around, with species such as Little Grebe, Ferruginous Duck, Common Moorhen, and Eurasian Coot possible, plus migrant shorebirds like Little Ringed Plover, Black-Tailed Godwit, and Green Sandpiper. It also attracts Saharian species to drink, with beautiful Crowned Sandgrouse and Pin-tailed Sandgrouse both often seen here.


Today’s journey is sending us, to the south for five hours drive, in one of the most appealing parts of our trip. Many stops are included on our way for birding. We may see Eurasian Crag Martin, Desert Lark, Black Wheatear, White-Crowned Wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush, and many more varieties.

Also, we will stop at the Wadi to again seek out the temporary Streaked Scrub Warbler. This species is spread in North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia but, being a monotypic species, makes it an exciting one to see. While studying this species, we may also see Thick-billed Lark and Trumpeter Finch, plus many other desert species.


For the next 2 days, we will explore Merzouga and see what had to offer as a plus for our birding tour. We will be crossing the peachy orange dune using comfortable 4×4 vehicles. While in Merzouga, we will stay in a delightful Kasbah that has attractive gardens. These gardens are a huge draw to migrant varieties as they traverse across this rusty deserted setting, at this season, passing from southern or West Africa back to northern Europe to breed.

We may come across here the Eurasian Collared-Dove, Laughing Dove, Iberian Chiffchaff, Common Chiffchaff, Western Subalpine Warbler, Sardinian Warbler, Common Blackbird, Black Redstart, European Serin, Eurasian Hoopoe, Tree Pipit, Western Olivaceous Warbler, Eastern Olivaceous Warbler, Song Thrush, European Robin, European Pied Flycatcher, Eurasian Wryneck, and Common Nightingale. Hanging the fine bubbling shrieks of European Bee-Eater and Blue-cheeked Bee-Eater will escort us as we stay in this exclusive part of the Sahara.

Next, we travel to the enormous dune known as Erg Chebbi. One of the largest dunes in morocco and a remarkable backdrop to our birding here. We may come beyond diverse desert specials like Fulvous Babbler, Bar-Tailed Lark, Dunn’s Lark, Desert Wheatear, African Desert Warbler, Trumpeter Finch, Brown-Necked Raven, Crowned Sandgrouse, Spotted Sandgrouse, Lanner Falcon, and Peregrine Falcon. We will also see Egyptian Nightjar as they roost.

The Dayer Srij lake at the south side of the dunes can be an excellent point for migrant shorebirds with other wetland species, including a lock of over 1,000 greater Flamingo that often lives here! Shorebirds such as Black-Winged Stilt, Pied Avocet, Kentish Plover, Little Ringed Plover, Ruff, Common Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Dunlin, and Little Stint are all likely here, while Wildfowl like Ruddy Shelduck, Common Shelduck, Northern Shoveler, Gadwall, Mallard, Tufted Duck, and the Marbled Duck can all be found.


Today, we drive back beyond central morocco to Ouarzazate, a charming town and fortress in the foothills of the anti-atlas mountains, renowned for appearing in game of thrones, gladiator, and many other films and TV shows!

During our five-hour drive, we will stop for birding and we should see frequent scrub varieties like white-crowned wheatear, great grey shrike, and others stated earlier. Before arriving in Ouarzazate, we will stop at the vast barrage el Mansour Eddahbi, a hugely productive site with over 200 varieties listed here.

This extensive lake is an excellent spot for us to locate a range of Wildfowl, Shorebirds, Herons, Egrets, Birds of Prey, Gulls, Terns, Hirundines, and Passerines. Its location, and the performance of resident and migrant birds to water makes it a spot where anything could turn up. 

To give you an idea of the variation offered here, unusual species include Ruddy Shelduck, Booted Eagle, Black Kite, Thekla’s Lark, Marbled Duck, Alpine Swift, Little Swift, Wood Sandpiper, Little Owl, Eurasian Hoopoe, European Bee-Eater, Peregrine Falcon, Thick-Billed Lark, Desert Lark, Maghreb Lark, Western Olivaceous Warbler, Melodious Warbler, Common Bulbul, Spectacled Warbler, Black Wheatear, Mourning Wheatear, Trumpeter Finch, Greater flamingo, purple heron, gull-billed tern, little stint, cream-colored courser, lesser kestrel, bluethroat, Blue-cheeked bee-eater, and so much more! 


We drive west across the anti-atlas mountains and toward the Souss valley. We will make many pauses along the road looking for new and exciting birds.

Within the Souss Valley, we will explore different species like Black-crowned Tchagra, Laughing Dove, Cirl Bunting, Rufous-Tailed Scrub-Robin, and Spanish Sparrow. Migrant Birds of Prey are seen along the valley with Short-toed Snake Eagle, Booted Eagle, Montagu’s Harrier, and Black Kite being the most likely species to be observed. 

We stop in Taroudant, where massive numbers of Little Swift and Pallid Swift may be detected over the town area, usually providing astonishing views. Around the town, we may also locate exciting species like Maghreb Magpie, Moussier’s Redstart, White-Crowned Wheatear, House Bunting, Common Bulbul, African Blue Tit, Fulvous Babbler, Barbary Partridge, and Levaillant’s Woodpecker. The area is also a great migration hotspot with European-Bound Migrants like Spotted Flycatcher, Spotted Crake, White Stork, Sedge Warbler, Western Orphean Warbler, Common Cuckoo, and European Turtle Dove being regular sightings here when we visit.

Finally, we will reach the Atlantic coast and Agadir, where we will be based for the following three nights as we explore the next wonderful area.


Explore the fabulous waterfront of the Oued Massa National Park. This profoundly rich area is an unbelievable mix of resident and migrant varieties, with huge numbers of Shorebirds, Wildfowl, Gulls, Terns, Herons, Egrets, Birds of Prey, and Passerines Possible. Like other areas on our tour, Oued Massa has several essential target species, including Black-crowned Tchagra, Marbled Duck, Moussier’s Redstart, Sardinian Warbler, Little Owl, Eurasian Stone-Curlew, Laughing Dove, and Brown-Throated Martin.

Other notable species here include Garganey, Slender-Billed Gull, gull-Billed Tern, Caspian Tern, Little Bittern, Glossy Ibis, Eurasian Spoonbill, Kentish Plover, Cream-Colored Courser, Western Olivaceous Warbler, Western Black-Eared Wheatear, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Lesser Short-Toed Lark, and others.

Later, we will visit the Oued Souss, the perfect spot of stunning species, often seen in small numbers among the Yellow-Legged Gull and Lesser Black-Backed Gull. Other interesting species we might find here are greater Flamingo, Zitting Cisticola, Western Subalpine Warbler, Marbled Duck, Collard Pratincole, Ruddy Shelduck, Lesser Kestrel, Whiskered Tern, and Maghreb Magpie.


After breakfast, we will go north to the Atlantic coast around Agadir. Firstly, we will go to a local beach to seek Audouin’s Gull and observe hundreds of Lesser Black-Backed Gull and Yellow-Legged Gull Roosting on the beach. The Lesser Black-Backed Gulls, here, are a mix of two subspecies with Graellsii, which raises in northwest Europe, and Intermedius, which breeds in northern Europe and Scandinavia, both being present. We may also get lucky and spot parasitic Jaeger moving offshore.

We will travel north to the isolated coastal areas around Tamri. Here we will come across many species we have seen earlier, but the real objective of our visit is to see the northern Bald Ibis. This endangered species is one of the world’s rarest birds, with morocco holding 95% of the current wild population or an estimated 700 birds.

While nearby Tamri, we will traverse the coastal runt and fields in search of other attractive species like European Bee-Eater, Sardinian Warbler, Moussier’s Redstart, Back-Crowned Tchagra, Brown-Throated Martin, Common Bulbul, Black Wheatear, Woodchat Shrike, Calandra Lark, and European Serin. Offshore we may find passing seabirds like northern Gannet, Great Skua, Parasitic Jaeger, and Balearic Shearwater.


Today we will make the journey back from Agadir, across the Atlas Mountains, to Marrakech. En route, we will make several stops to look for any interesting species and also enjoy stunning Moroccan scenery for the final time. In the evening, we have the option of visiting the old quarter of Marrakech, including the impressive Djemâa-el-Fna square, which is an exceptional adventure for any guest. Here we can enjoy the vast number of stalls of the souk, an ideal event to get some souvenirs! We will enjoy our final traditional Moroccan meal together and go through our final trip list. 


After breakfast at our hotel, we will head to Marrakech airport, where the tour will conclude in the mid-morning.

What’s included :
  • Accommodation as requested by the clients
  • 14 Breakfast, 13 Lunches, 1’ Dinners
  • Drinking water – please bring a refillable water bottle
  • Local bird guide
  • Birdwatching site entrance fees and travel permits
  • Vehicles at disposal from Day & to Day 15
What’s not included :
  • Flights from/to Marrakech Menara Airport,
  • Morocco Expenditures
  • Visa fees if visa required
  • Drinks
  • Gratuities

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